Friday, August 29, 2008

Jacob's First Visit to the Zoo

On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to go to the zoo with Karen, Michelle and her baby, Jacob. He is 2 months old and this was his first visit to the zoo. I think her really enjoyed it - he slept the first 2 1/2 hours we were there and then got up to eat right before we left!
It was so nice to have time to catch up with friends while walking around the zoo on a beautiful summer day. Michelle is quickly approaching her return to work after maternity leave, so it was good to have time with her and Jacob before their schedule gets busier. Karen just finished her finals - she is getting her MBA at Kellogg - yes, very impressive! Reagan enjoyed being able to decide which animals to see on our visit. We really saw a lot - zebras, giraffes, bison, camels, dolphins, bears, fish, penguins, bunnies, snakes, birds - no wonder we were all tired!
We finished our visit with time at the play zoo - still Reagan's favorite. Most of our time was spent in the animal hospital. Reagan and Nola were both busy taking care of the stuffed animals. Now we just have to get Nola to stop putting the syringes in her mouth!
This fall we will celebrate our 10th reunion from Northwestern. Time is really flying by! It is just funny to think how different our lives are now compared to how they were in 1998 - we sure have come a long way!

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