Thursday, August 7, 2008

Splish Splash!!

Yesterday we ventured to Ty Warner Park for a MOPS Park Play date. We were lucky enough to be joined by Reilly, Taylor and Hannah. It was a beautiful morning and the park was crowded. The girls were great helpers with both Reagan and Nola. It was great to have an extra set of hands - or 3 sets! Reagan was not a big fan of the sprinklers - she kept telling me that she wanted to be in the shade. (can you say Pat's child?) She is definitely more fond of pools. Reilly took Nola into the sprinklers and she liked them for a while but as her nap time approached, her love for the water quickly declined. After about an hour in the sprinkler park we packed up and headed to the park for a little bit before heading home. As I was getting clothes on Reagan she told me, 'Don't worry mom, I already have sunscreen on'. Its nice that she is so hyper-aware of sunscreen but it does make me laugh. Does she know that her dad doesn't like to be out in the sun with anything less the SPF 50?!?

On Saturday we took a quick family trip to the zoo. It is so nice to be so close that we were able to go for just an hour. We told Reagan we were only going to see the animals that were outside because it was such a great morning. We quickly discovered that Saturday mornings is a great time to go to the zoo. It was starting to get crowded as we were leaving, but not too bad. We were on the way to the giraffes when we walked past the sprinkler pad at the zoo. We stopped for a while but neither girls was too excited to get wet. Nola was happy to be watching the other kids, but was not too quick to venture into the water. We ended up meeting Becky and her boys at the park within the zoo for a while and then headed home. We were able to see the bears on the way out - so we did get some animal viewing in. Nola was asleep before we got home - I think we will be making more family trips to the zoo on Saturday mornings - Pat isn't the biggest fan of the zoo, but he is a huge fan of his family so he'll be happy to join in, right sweetie?!

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