Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Maureen's Night Out

Saturday night was Maureen's bachelorette party - her last night of freedom!?! Colleen hosted everyone at her house and then we walked to Cafe LaGuardia for dinner. After a long wait (didn't try the sangria before dinner since I had to drive Kris and I home) - we were seated and served paella (yum), Cuban nachos, appetizer sample and, of course, sangria. What a great dinner and fun company. Barbara joined us late in the dinner, but was still able to enjoy the fun.
We stopped at the Old Man bar on the way back to Colleen's. Definitely a local hangout - but good deals on the beer!
When we got back to Colleen's Maureen opened all of her gifts. Some that would be appropriate to share on this blog, and others that will remain a secret.
So after a long, fun night Maureen fell asleep on the couch and we headed home - not arriving until 2:30 am!! Can't remember the last time I was out so late - but it was all worth it! Now we are excited for Saturday - what a great day it will be - and Reagan & Nola are excited to be getting a new uncle!

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