Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy to be a Mom

Today was one of those days when being a mom was exactly what I wanted to be. I always love my children, but on those long days with no naps and temper tantrums, enjoying the moment can be hard to do.
This morning we headed out to a MOPS park play date in Western Springs. It is a great park because it is so shaded - good for us Irish girls. Nola was thrilled to be in the swing - she was even laughing at the other mom who was pushing her son and making silly faces at him. Reagan brought Julia and Madeline (her 2 favorite dolls) and was taking them down the slide. The only negative of the park is that the bathroom is less than desirable. And since Reagan uses the bathroom quite often, we were there twice in our less than 2 hour visit to the park. Before our second visit she did ask me if there was something else we could do to go potty instead of going into the stinky bathroom. Michelle suggested plugging her nose, so she did that and it was better.
As we were sitting in the sand several trains went by and one of them was a Metra train. It was at the moment that I was so thankful that I was at a park with my girls and not on a train going to work. I consider myself so blessed that I can stay at home and be with Reagan and Nola everyday. And yes, there are days when I want to escape before 10 am, but I would not change my role for the world.
Tonight we were at Mulcrone's for dinner and afterwards Loretta gave the girls a bath (the park got the best of both of them). It was great to be sitting, drinking tea and hearing shrieks of laughter and joy coming from the bathroom. I don't know who had more fun Loretta or the girls.

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