Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cousins' Sleepover: Day 2

Yesterday we had a great day with Anthony and Leo. Everyone slept great and woke up happy. I made pancakes for breakfast and Leo, Reagan & Nola played. Anthony was very content to watch TV from his bed in the basement. After breakfast he told me, "I am going to do what I do TV".
When everyone was dressed and ready we headed for the zoo. Anthony volunteered to push Nola's stroller and I pushed Reagan & Leo. We started in Tropic World to see the monkeys and gorillas. The monkeys were actually swinging around the trees so it was exciting to see. Even Nola loved them - she was waving good-bye to them. We met up with the Goys and Cassidy and finished looking through Asia and Africa.
The next stop was the Hammil Play Zoo. The kids watered the plants and then we headed to see the animals in the back room. Reagan & Leo were able to put a guinea pig on the way. Nola was fascinated by the snake and a bunny. Reagan, Leo and Cassidy were working hard to all fit under a table. But soon they were also checking out the animals. The craft of the day was wind sticks. Michelle and I thought they looked simple to make so we gave it a shot. They were simple - for moms. We had to tie the ribbons on each stick - not really something most of our kids could do, but they were happy to have them. We finished our time there at the animal hospital- Reagan's favorite part of the zoo. They each had animals to care for with stethoscopes (or telescopes as Reagan calls them), shots, bandages, etc. We said goodbye to the Goys and Cassidy and headed to the Living Coast where we met up with the Schmeltzs. On the walk over Nola fell asleep in her stroller, so she got a good 20 minute nap. We saw fish and penguins before moving on to lunch. It was great to take a break and rest.
After looking at the map Anthony said he had seen all that he wanted to and we could go back to our house. Leo said he wanted to come back to our house so he could build a sand castle before he went home, so that is what we did.
We met Dana back in Hinsdale. Reagan and Nola were sad to see their cousins leave, as was I. We headed home and we all took naps - it was a great day!

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