Friday, August 22, 2008

2 Days to Race Day

Hard to believe that 2 days from now I will be jumping into Lake Michigan and competing in the Chicago Accenture Triathlon. I am happy to report that the water temperature has been above 70 degrees all week and the warm temps today and tomorrow should keep it up.
In June I did the Naperville all-women's triathlon (that is what the pictures are from - thanks to my friends Christen and Michelle) and was hooked! I said when I was starting that I just wanted to finish, but once I got in the water my competitive side started coming through and the adrenaline started flowing. All of the women in the race we encouraging. There were women over 65 competing and some younger than me. After an hour rain deley they started the race. That pushed my start time back to almost 9:30 am. The late start worked out really well because that gave Pat time to get Reagan and Nola to Naperville and I was able to see them before I started. I had great support on the course - Pat, Reagan, Nola, mom, dad, Michelle, Christen, Michelle, Ella and Kaley. And the volunteers on the course were cheering us all on - our names were on our number bibs so they were calling out our names as we went by. It was an amazing experience and I wanted to do another one. I was able to find someone selling their spot for Chicago (it had sold out in May), so I bought her spot and have been training ever since.
So very early on Sunday morning - have to have my bike in transition between 4:15 - 5:45 am - Pat and I will be on the lakefront waiting for my wave to go. (You can tell how much Pat loves me - he is not a morning person, to say the least, but yet he is excited to be going with me to support my efforts - thank you!)
It will be very different than Naperville - Naperville had 1900 participants and Chicago will have about 8000! I am doing the sprint distance again, so they won't all be doing the same distance, but we'll all be on the same course. I am looking forward to swimming in the lake and then riding and running along Lake Shore Drive. What a backdrop!! So when you are getting up for church on Sunday you can think of me - and if you sleep in I will probably be all done before you wake up!

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