Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grandpa

Yesterday was Grandpa John's birthday! His party was on Sunday afternoon, but since Reagan was sick we went to have dinner with him last night. Nola and I were able to be with him to celebrate on Sunday with all of her cousins and aunts and uncles. It was a great day and great cake!
Last night we went to Aurelio's for the buffet. I don't know who was more excited - Pat, Reagan or Nola. Reagan loves pizza and she enjoyed the chocolate pudding. Nola ate (or should I say inhaled) mostacolli, shredded cheese and then vanilla pudding. Pat was just thrilled to have unlimited pizza - as shocking as it may be, he didn't even try the salad bar!
After dinner we went back to grandpa's house to give him the card Reagan had decorated and to watch Reagan's dance show DVD. Nola was having fun playing with the baby bottles and Reagan was getting in and out of the Cabbage Patch kid playpen that I used to play with when I was little.
Its amazing how well behaved children can be when they are showered with love and attention from their grandparents. For instance, Nola only slept for about 45 minutes in the afternoon - could it be that she knew her grandpa would come and get her out of the crib and let her sleep on his chest?!
We did sing to Grandpa - and then when we finished Nola sang her own version - which, of course, was much cuter!

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