Sunday, August 17, 2008

Best Laid Plans...

With Pat working long hours and Nola being so young, our family adventures have been limited this summer to family parties and get togethers. So I thought we should try to do something different. We bought tickets to go see the Joffrey Ballet at Ravinia on Saturday morning for the Kraft kids series. Reagan and I had seats in the pavilion so she could see the dancers and Pat and Nola had lawn seats so Nola could be down and explore. Then on Wednesday, Pat and Loretta gave us their membership card to the Botanic Gardens so we could go there after the show to have lunch and see the Gardens. Sounded like a perfect day!
So we set off yesterday right around 9:30. We weren't on 294 very long before Reagan started complaining that her stomach hurt. I head this a lot when we are driving more than 15 minutes, so I gave her a sucker and thought we'd be all set. Well she kept complaining and we kept telling her to relax and close her eyes. She did get quiet for quite sometime.
As we were driving down Lake Cook Rd she started crying and then she got sick. We quickly pulled into the Jewel parking lot and got everything cleaned up. Pat ran in to get paper towels and as I was cleaning Reagan up a women in a car stopped and asked if I needed help - such a nice gesture.
Reagan was feeling better and still wanted to see the ballerinas so we decided to still go to Ravinia since we didn't want to put her back in the van and drive 40 minutes.
Reagan was so excited to see the ballerinas and was thrilled to be there. They did some modern dances and classical ballet. Then after 30 minutes the announcer said the dancers were going to rest since they had another show tonight, and the show was finished. As I looked around to the other parents, they were just as surprised as I was - especially since I had called earlier in the week and was told the show would last 1 hour.
So we hung out on the grass for a while - couldn't take too many pictures because the battery was once again dead in the camera. Pat took some with his phone and internet tablet.
We were back in the van before noon and headed home. Reagan and Nola both fell asleep quickly and Reagan ended up sleeping for 3 hours when we got home.
Next year I think we will try Ralph's World - and maybe wait to have breakfast until we get there!

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