Monday, August 25, 2008

Stepping Out!

So our little Nola has started taking steps!! She is not walking but every now and then will take anywhere from 4-8 steps at a time. It is funny because it doesn't appear that she realizes what she is doing, it just happens.
She also enjoys standing up and dancing without holding on to anything. I definitely think she will enjoy her music class that is going to start in a couple weeks.
She is busy saying bye bye (her first word), mama, Reagan (in her own special way), Pat (she still doesn't say dad) and grandma (similar to mam, but different). Still loves walking and hopping on her knees.
She is a great eater - bananas, pancakes, cheese (I think her all-time favorite), yogurt, carrots, sweet potatoes and ice cream!
But please don't yell around her - even if you are not yelling at her - she starts to cry if anyone raises their voice. I guess she is more sensitive that I thought.
I think I will soon be posting that she is walking - watch out world!

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