Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cousins' Sleepover: Day 1

We are lucky enough to have Anthony and Leo visiting us overnight. Dana - thanks to her GPS - brought the kids to Hinsdale and we picked them up this morning. We had time to play outside before lunch and time to play inside before naptime. I was brave (or naive) enough to let Reagan and Leo take a nap together in our bed. It may have taken awhile (close to an hour) for them to fall asleep, but they did both nap and woke up happy. Nola napped as well so Anthony and I watched a Sponge Bob marathon.
As soon as everyone was awake it was time to go to swimming. Nola's class is first so her and I were in the water and the other 3 were watching us and playing in the exercise area. Nola was enjoying the water, but she was also busy looking for her sister and cousins. Next it was time for Reagan's class. Leo wanted to join in, but unfortunately that was not possible. While Reagan swam the 3 of us played with exercise balls and medicine balls. Both Anthony and Leo were able to lift the 12 lb ball and we have pictures to prove it! Nola was thrilled to be playing with the boys and hopping all over on her knees.
When we got home we quickly made and ate dinner and then Leo took control of the DVD player. Wiggles, Mickey Mouse, Tom & Jerry, Wiggles, Tom & Jerry, Wiggles - I think you get the idea. After quick baths for Nola and Reagan I had to return 2 movies to the library so Anthony rode with me and we stopped at Jewel to get mint chocolate chip ice cream. I made him a mint chocolate chip shake a few Sundays ago and now he is hooked. He decided he wanted to sleep on our fouton in the basement because he talks in his sleep - and I think the fact that we have a TV with Nickelodeon on it down there was also a draw. So I got him all set up and made him his shake and then he headed off to bed. Leo is sleeping in the girls' room so we had several visits from him and Reagan after they were supposed to be sleeping. But now they are all sleeping and we are catching a little of the Olympics.
Hoping everyone sleeps well because tomorrow we are headed to the zoo! And tomorrow night I will be headed to bed at 7!!!
* Here's a very short video showing how Nola likes to get around on her knees *

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