Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grandma

Last night we celebrated Grandma Loretta's Birthday! I brought my camera to capture the moment, but the battery was dead - so I am charging it as we speak. Everyone was able to be there for dinner, which was a nice treat. Reagan was only interested in eating salt at dinner while Nola was enjoying yellow watermelon, sweet potato and yogurt. Reagan had fun playing with the card Mary Catherine brought, which was shaped like a Birthday cake and the candles came out and were a small card. She then put herself in the gift bag we had brought Grandma's presents in. Who needs toys when there are gift bags! Nola was busy walking and hopping on her knees - she loved all the extra attention and tickles her cousins were giving her. We finished the night with ice cream - Nola was mad when hers was gone and Reagan loved the extra whipped cream! We did sing and when we finished Nola kept on singing - she is getting ready for her birthday in just a few weeks!

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