Monday, June 1, 2009

Preschool Picnic

It feels like it was just yesterday that I was taking Reagan to preschool for the first time and now her first year of school is over. We had a great time at her end-of-the-year picnic. The kids were able to play in the park with their friends for about an hour. Then we headed up to the pavilion for prayers and lunch. It was a little cool under the pavilion so we ended up eating on the ground outside in the sun.
We feel so blessed that she had such a great experience - amazing teachers, fun kids and great parents. Glad she has another year there - just wish she was with all the same kids and teachers, but that's not possible.
After lunch the kids and parents sang songs and played games with the big parachute. It was fun to see the kids enjoy each other so much - and Nola was so glad to be a part of the fun!
The teachers received aprons with all of the kids' names embroidered on them as well as a few pictures of things they did on their field trips - a fire truck, a barn, etc. They were so excited and the kids were excited to find their names on the aprons.
The teachers gave the kids each a bucket with a shovel - a big hit in our house.
Reagan said good-bye to her friends and teachers and we started our summer. Looking forward to next year but ready for a long summer of fun in the sun together.

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