Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day at the Gardens with Grandma

We enjoy many days at the zoo because we are members and live so close. But 2 weeks ago we had the opportunity to go with Grandma to Chicago Botanic Gardens and enjoy her membership! We picked Cassidy up in the morning and then picked up Grandma on our way. It was an absolutely perfect day to be outside and enjoy the beauty of God's creation.
I had never been there and was quite impressed with all the gardens had to offer. The flowers were unbelievable and even their vegetable gardens were pretty.
The girls liked the flowers - we had to remind Nola not to pick the flowers - but the highlight for them was the abundance of fountains! There were some I was afraid they might fall into, but Grandma knew where there were good ones that they could put their hands in and not risk falling in.
On the way out we stopped at the fountain they could put their feet in. Another huge hit!
The girls also were excited to see ducks swimming in one of the ponds. They were asking the ducks to swim closer, but for some reason they didn't listen. We sat to rest at one point and there was a duck sitting less than 10 feet from us, so that kept them occupied for quite a while.
We ate our lunch outside on the deck - underneath a weeping willow. There were many small birds landing around us - which kept the girls busy.
It was such a perfect day - wonderful weather, beautiful sights to see, fun times together. Looking forward to another visit soon - can't wait to see what they plant in the summer.

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