Monday, June 8, 2009

Picnic in the Rain

Every year we attend the Mulcrone-O'Donnell picnic the first Saturday of June. We have had years when it is so hot we are looking for air conditioning and then there was this year. We left our house and the temperature was about 65. The hope was that Nola would nap on the way to the picnic, but she had other plans. So I dropped Pat & Reagan off at the picnic and drove around to get Nola to nap. What a waste of gas! We were back in about 15 minutes and she was not giving in to my plan. When we got back it was really raining. Thankfully I found Reagan's umbrella in the van and Pat Sr. came to my rescue with a big umbrella.
Reagan & Nola thought the rain was great - fun to splash in and the perfect excuse to play with umbrellas.
Eventually the rain did stop but the temperature never rebounded. We were all in sandals and capris or shorts. After another hour I gave in and drove to Marshall's to buy socks for the 4 of us. Not making a great fashion statement I put on the socks with my flip flops and instantly felt warmer. Things got even better when Micky got back with a couple boxes of Dunkin Donuts coffee - yeah!
Reagan was having a great time playing with the other kids that were close to her age. They had bags of candy and bubbles (which Nola wouldn't put down). They ran around in the field, played with sidewalk chalk and Reagan even did the egg toss. Nola was busy climbing in and out of someone's stroller and putting on their hat.
Micky brought out his accordian and he quickly had a groupie - Nola! She thought that was pretty cool and was trying to figure out how it works. While he played she listened for a while and then tried pushing some of the buttons. What fun!
By about 7 we headed home - we all needed to warm up and the girls were in desparate need of a good bath. The picnic was a huge success - fun to watch the girls play with some distant cousins and completely enjoy themselves. We'll see if we have 90 degree weather for next year.

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