Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dance, Dance, Dance

Last Saturday was Reagan's 2nd dance recital - and do you think she was excited? The day before she asked me, 'Mom, are you ready for the big day?' and I was! Last year Nola was not even a year old so my mom came with me to dress rehearsal, but this year I thought I could handle it - not great thinking on my part. Reagan was ready to go and hung out with her friends. Nola and I sat in the front row and before long she was attempting to climb on to the stage. She also ran to the other side of the auditorium, but one of the girl's sister brought her back. Reagan's rehearsal went great and then we just had to wait...for the Big Day!
Due to the never-ending rain in Chicago, Reagan's soccer game was cancelled on Saturday morning so that gave her time to rest and be ready. I got her dressed when Pat and my dad headed to LT to get good seats.
Reagan was excited to see both of her grandmas and grandpas and so happy that it was finally time for her to dance on stage again.
I got her settled into the room with her class - and got some pictures. Before I left Aly, Cori & Cassidy stopped in so I was able to get pictures with them as well. Reagan was happy to be with her teachers and friends and we were happy to get in our 4th row seats (nice job Pat & dad).
The great thing about this show is that it is only 30 minutes long - nice and sweet. Nola loved watching the girls and had plenty of space to do her own twirls and movement.
When Reagan's class came on - Reagan leading the way - we all got to see their cute Rolie Polie costumes. Reagan and all of her friends did a great job and they had so much fun on stage.
At the end all of the dancers were on stage for their bows. Reagan was thrilled to do her amazing bow - a great end to a great year of dance.
Next year we start ballet and out!!

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