Monday, June 8, 2009

How the Garden Grows

After 3 years of trying to get the area ready the Mulcrone family finally has a vegetable garden. We cleared out the area next to our garage - taking out rocks, weeks and other fun things. Reagan was so excited to plant - she couldn't wait.
So the Sunday after Mother's Day our work was complete and we were able to plant. We planted a lot - don't think we allowed enough room in between plants, but we'll see.
We planted squash and tomato plants and then squash, beans, sugar snap peas, watermelon and sunflower seeds. And I am happy to report that we have lots of plants coming up! Reagan and Nola enjoy watering - although we haven't had to do too much watering with all the rain we have had.
We also planted some flower seeds in pots and they are growing as well.
Now we are ready for some hot weather to be outside and enjoy the progress. And we (well, mostly me) can't wait to have fresh vegetables ready to pick and eat!

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