Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Mother's Day to Remember

Sometimes I wonder why we try to plan 'perfect' days when we have children. Such was the case on Mother's Day. Our girls went to bed on Saturday night with fevers so we knew we couldn't take them to church. Pat and I stayed up late watching the Blackhawks knowing we wouldn't have to get up early. Or we thought...Reagan came into our room at 6:30 - after Pat told her it was still the middle of the night I went to lay with her in her bed, hoping for more sleep for both of us. But at 7:15 she was in the bathroom getting sick - Happy Mother's Day to me.
Got her settled with some Sprite and good TV shows and hung out for the morning. I tried to make banana bread but our oven needs to be cleaned so it was smoking too bad. Luckily my great neighbor let me borrow their oven. On the way back from taking it to their house I realized that our lawn was the only one on the block that hadn't been cut yet. So I changed and mowed the lawn - but that is something I actually enjoy donig. After getting Reagan settled, Nola and I went to my parents' to have lunch. They had picked up Maggiano's - so lunch was fantastic! We had a great afternoon - Nola loved being outside with her cousins.
Then we brought Grandma Jane back to our house (Grandpa came in his car) so that Reagan could see her for Mother's Day. Reagan was still fevering a little bit, but was glad to celebrate the day as best she could. It was a great day - I am so blessed to be a mom - and to have the most wonderful girls as my daughters!

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