Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sophia Rae

In life we hope to have true friendships - and God has blessed me with many - but there is one friendship that I have had before I even knew how to be a friend. Shadia and I were hanging out at Willowbrook with our moms and older siblings when we were too young to even play together. We went to school together from kindergarten through high school and have remained close friends since then.
So it was an exciting day when I found out that her baby, Sophia Rae, had been born. Now that Shadia lives in Peoria we don't get to see each other that often, but I had to figure out a way to get to the hospital to see her and meet Sophia.
Luckily I have another great friend, Michelle, who offered to watch my girls so I could make the trip to Peoria. It was a quiet trip - I actually got to pick what I listened to the entire time!
All I can say is that Sophia is GORGEOUS! She looks just like Shadia and has more hair than most of my family's children had when they turned 2. She is a sweet baby and I couldn't put her down - I just wanted to hold her and kiss her sweet head.
Shadia was doing good and trying not to laugh - didn't want to hurt the incisions. Her motherlly instincts had set in and she is a great mom.
It was just so good to see her, Ray, Sophia and her mom. We had a great time just hanging out and I even got to be there for Sophia's bath.
The time flew by and soon it was time for me to get back on the road. I wish we lived closer together, but we are already planning another trip down there - this time Reagan and Nola can come - they can't wait to meet Sophia!

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