Friday, October 31, 2008

Boo at the Zoo

For the 4th year in a row, the Scanlon family all ventured to Brookfield to attend Boo at the Zoo. Since we went on a Sunday this year we didn't get there until after lunch, so we didn't have the craziness, I mean joy, of all trying to eat lunch together.
When we got out of the cars it was starting to rain, it was cold and windy. If it wasn't for the kids I would have been back in the van and home for warmth, but we went in. And the rain stopped. We took some good pictures and then headed to the hay maze. All of the kids had fun running through - even Nola.
We decided to warm up and watch the dolphins for a while. After a short visit we went back outside to see the bears. It was great to see all of the kids so excited about the bears - and to watch Nola's eyes get so big as she saw the bears move. Next stop was Tropic World - to see the monkeys. There were plenty of monkeys swinging around - some very close to us. We even got to see an anteater.
For our last stop of the day we headed to see the penguins. Of course one of the highlights was standing under the crashing water and screaming when it came down.
We then all headed back to our house for dinner before everyone packed up and headed home so the kids could get some sleep before school. We did have fun - and going in the afternoon worked out well. Next year we'll just hope for some warmer weather!

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