Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Will

Saturday we were able to celebrate Will's 4th birthday! He had a superhero party - and for one day, Cinderella was a super hero. Reagan had a great time playing the games and playing with her friends. Nola was busy playing in the bat cave and trying to climb the stairs. They were 2 of the first kids to the table when the pizza arrived and Reagan was one of the last to leave the table after cake - she wouldn't want to leave one bite of chocolate cake!
Reagan was excited to watch Will open his presents and was very willing to help. Nola just loved sitting on the stairs and kicking her feet.
Pat and I had a great time just hanging out with the other parents and watching the kids enjoy themselves. And we were impressed to see Trace dressed up as Iron Man - don't know how I didn't get a picture of that!

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