Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Enjoying Fall

On Friday we were able to enjoy the beautiful fall day at the Morton Arboretum and Reagan and Nola were able to play with their friends - Will, Finn, Evan and Stuart. We started with a picnic lunch - accompanied by many bees - but great to be outside.
Reagan loved the climbing tree houses - and Nola kept trying to get in, but was stopped by her mean mom every time. It was just fun to watch the kids run around and climb and just have fun.
We then went up to the stream and that was the best part for the kids! Reagan talked me into letting her take her shoes off and get in the water - and it was cold! Nola loved playing with the rocks and really wanted to get in herself, but that didn't happen. She did throw her hat in the water but that's as close as she got.
It was just so fun to be in the sun and see the changing leaves. Reagan is really into finding red leaves, so it was a perfect place for her! We were able to go to Will & Finn's to play afterwards - and Reagan was lucky enough to have ice cream with sprinkles. It was no big surprise that I had to drag them both out - they hate to leave when they are having fun! All in all, it was a great fall day!

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