Monday, October 20, 2008

Northwestern 10 Year Reunion

So hard to believe that I graduated from Northwestern 10 years ago! Amazing how different my life is now compared to back then. On Saturday we headed up to Evanston to hang out on campus for the afternoon. We ate lunch at Norris and then walked around to see SPAC, Bobb-McCulloch, Tech, various buildings and we ended our tour at Chi Omega. The first thing Reagan noticed was all of the fliers taped to the ground. It was hard to explain why that is done in college, but it was fun to see her looking at all of them. Reagan's favorite part was seeing the ducks and fish in the pond with the fountains.
When we got to Chi Omega we were able to catch up with a bunch of girls I had either graduated with or who graduated the year after me. It was fun to show Pat and the girls where I used to live and where I spent a good part of my college years. Reagan wanted to know why there wasn't toys at that house...good question. I took her upstairs to show her the 2 rooms I had lived in while I lived in the house. Her and Nola were happy to find the cookies they were serving and Nola was happy to play with the other kids who were visiting.
We then took the girls to visit grandma and papa and then Pat and I headed into the city with Karen and Justus to the reunion party at Landmark. We had a great time - it was fun to see people I hadn't seen in 10 years and to find out what they are doing. It was a long day of talking, but very fun. I am so glad we went - and look forward to going back in another 10 years. And since Reagan declared that she wants to go to my school, we might be going back in about 15 years to take her there!

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