Friday, October 10, 2008

First Field Trip

Yesterday I was lucky enough to be one of the drivers for Reagan's preschool field drip to the Little Red Schoolhouse.
I drove Reagan and 2 other girls. We had fun listening to Snazzy on the way there and hearing about what each of the girls was going to be for Halloween - the other two are both going to be Snow White!
We started off by learning more about the Little Red Schoolhouse and then going inside to see all of the animals. There was a very loud crow and lots of small animals - snakes, fish, turtles. The teachers were just great about making sure that all of the kids were checking out the exhibits and seeing as much as they could.
We then headed outside for our 'hike' - or walk around the pond. It was a little muddy, but it was a bright sunny day so we couldn't complain. The pond was beautiful and it was great to see such pretty trees changing colors around the pond.
We heard some ducks, but didn't get to see any of them - even though the kids sang their 5 little ducks song to try to get them to come out - very cute!
We did see a chipmunk and got to hear a woodpecker. And then we got to a small pond and saw a water snake right on the edge - not my favorite but the kids were very excited. And they also saw some bees.
We ended the trip with a song about leaves and then headed back to school. It was great to see how wonderful Reagan's teachers are and to meet more of her classmates. It was a great morning!

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