Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Halloween

Now that our internet is back up and running I can finally catch up on our posts. We had a great Halloween - the weather was perfect - in the mid 60's. We started off the day by heading to Ace to pick up pumpkins to carve. When we got back Reagan wanted to rake leaves, so we stayed in the front yard and made a few piles of leaves. Unfortunately Nola took a tumble down 2 of our front stairs and stratched up her head. While she napped Reagan and I carved the pumpkins (my first experience doing it without Pat's assistance). They turned out great - but Reagan put the 2 small ones on our front steps around 1 and when we left around 2 the squirrels had already started eating them!
We picked up Grandma Jane in the afternoon so Nola would be able to nap while Reagan and I went trick-or-treating. This year Reagan was Cinderella and Nola was a strawberry.
Reagan and I had a great time trick-or-treating with a bunch of friends from our block and the neighborhood. It was fun to watch the kids running for the first block or so and then barely making it up the stairs at the last few houses. Their buckets were heavy and the thought of walking up another set of stairs was not so enticing.
After we finished we picked up Grandma and Nola and headed over to Aunt MariPat and Uncle Bill's house to trick-or-treat and see cousins - especially Cassidy. The girls happily ate hot dogs and then got ready to go back out. Reagan and Cassidy just went to a couple houses in their neighborhood and then they were done.
We ended our night with pizza at Cori & Ed's. We had such a great time - Reagan playing with all of our cousins and Pat & I visiting with our cousins. It was such a fun day - we are already looking forward to next year!

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