Thursday, October 30, 2008

Monsters on Main Street

After a short nap in the van after Will's party, we headed to downtown Brookfield for Monsters on Main Street. We had gone last year and had a great time, so we wanted to try it again. We met up with Cassidy, Cori, Ed & Aly and the girls jumped into trick or treating to all of the businesses. Nola quickly got her second wind and was leading the group down the sidewalk.
It was fun to watch the girls go in and out of each of the businesses to get their candy and make sure that their cousin was getting candy as well.
Cassidy was a great pirate - and thanks to Aly, she was warm under her black cape. Nola enjoyed the dancing skeleton outside of the jewelers and was very intrigued by a little boy dressed as Winnie the Pooh.
We stopped at the Library for treats, free books and a bathroom break. Aunt Mari Pat & Uncle Bill stopped by to see the girls in their costumes before we headed out again.
The girls did have a couple stops so they could run around the brick circles in town. And they were all happy (especiallyl Nola) when we saw a Greyhound and the owner let them pet him.
There was only a bit of disappointment when we got to Girons and found out they were not giving out pieces of pizza this year. (Might be tough to convince Pat to go again next year!) But Cassidy and Reagan made themselves at home there and were ready to help the little boy hand out the candy.
But once again, we had a great time at Monsters on Main Street. The girls got plenty of candy and will guarantee several days of sugar highs!

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