Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Party! Party!

After being postponed a week due to 104 degree fevers and roseola, Nola had her first birthday party this past Saturday. And what a day it was! The weather was perfect so the kids were able to play outside and the adults were able to enjoy our newly stained deck and sunshine!
We brought our jumper outside and the kids jumped in it while Grandpa John was trying to tip it over. We had a few games of bean bags going on and Anthony let us borrow his football toss game - which Will mastered quickly.
While she was eating Nola got very tired and needed a nap. Grandma Jane rocked her to nap and she rested while the rest of us ate and enjoyed the company. Our neighbors opened their gate so the kids were able to jump on their trampoline - that was a big hit!
I woke her up so we could open presents before it got much later. As the picture shows the present-opening party of the party was not a quiet one - each of the kids wanted to help. Since Nola is still so young, I let each child open up the present they brought. It worked out pretty well - and Jack was in charge of all of the garbage.
It was then finally time for cake!! Nola loves when people sing Happy Birthday - and she usually continues to sing once they are done. So to have that many people singing to her was a great joy! She couldn't master the art of blowing out the candles, but her sister was quick to help. But she did master the art of eating chocolate cake - she is definitely a Mulcrone! She was happy to sit in her chair and see how much cake she could get in her mouth - and on herself.
It was just so fun to have so many people who have been such a big influence on Nola's first year of life and our many years of life all together. It was such a happy party and we are so thankful for all of the amazing family and friends that we were able to celebrate with.

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