Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More Florida Fun

Its so hard to put into words what a wonderful vacation we had. The weather was perfect - only rained one evening - the girls were great (took long naps), we relaxed, we ate great food, enjoyed some of the best ice cream ever, and Pat & I even got a date night.
Our mornings would be low-key with playing, eating breakfast outside and then getting ready for the pool or beach. We would then be in the water until lunch time. Nola would usually go in earlier with one of us for her lunch and nap and the rest of us stayed with Reagan. By the end of the week Reagan was jumping into the pool by herself -
There was a small park close to the house, so we went there one morning while we waited for it to warm up a little. The girls loved the swings and slides, but were most excited to pet the dog that came walking by with its owner. Pat and Reagan did try to play frisbee - it was a great attempt.
In the afternoons we rested, read, watched TV, whatever we felt like. Then we would get ready to go out to dinner. We ate at great restaurants every night. My favorite was the Fish Monger where I enjoyed stone crabs for the first time - Delicious! Nola and Reagan loved their fish tanks and the chocolate mousse - fun to watch Nola eat it with her hands. But since we were coming from a very long, cold Chicago winter, we did try to eat every meal outside if possible.
One afternoon Pat, Reagan & I attend the Tea Party in Ft Myers. It was a political demonstration against the government's taxes. We hung out in the back so Reagan could play at the jungle gym and the swing. It was one of the highlights of our trip for Pat.
Usually at the end of a vacation I am ready to go home, but not this time. I was trying to figure out how we could stay a few more days - more fun in the sun and pool, but it didn't happen. We had an uneventful trip home (except for a very unhappy flight attendant who didn't like kids) and quickly settled back into life at home. We were only home a few hours when Reagan asked, 'can we go swimming today'. Unfortunately I had to tell her no, since it was about 40 degrees and raining. But that afternoon I got online and started looking up pools to join for this summer. We are now signed up and awaiting the opening on Saturday! (won't be warm enough to get there on opening day but the first hot day after that you know where to find us!)

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