Friday, May 15, 2009


After a great morning at church, we went to Tony's (our favorite local breakfast place) for a late breakfast. Uncle Bill picked us up around 12:30 and we were off to Midway.
The girls loved running around the airport as we waited for Grandma and Grandpa. The check-in and security went smoothly and we were on our way!
We did not buy a seat for Nola, but lucked out because there was an empty seat in our row. We had hoped she would nap on the way down there, but were sadly mistaken. Reagan did great on the plane (and great for us she sat next to the window and grandma the whole time!)
When we got to Ft Myers you could just feel the warm weather - fabulous!
We got our luggage and as we were loading the van Nola finally fell asleep.
We had time to get a little settled in the house and then headed to Bahama Breeze for dinner. We ate outside and there was live music that kept the girls entertained. They were happy to be dancing and running - with no coats!!
The next morning, after a quick trip to the grocery store, we headed to the pool! Reagan couldn't wait to get in and start swimming. And either could Nola - she thought she could walk right into the pool and ended up under water. Being her tough self, she came up and shook it off with no tears!
The girls loved the water - Reagan was swimming by herself (with her floats) and loving every minute. Nola thought she could swim by herself but we had to slow her down.
We ate dinner at Pirate Key - a favorite from our last visit 2 years ago. Great food and, more importantly, live music with a large dance area. After we ordered Pat and grandpa took them dancing and when dinner was finished they headed right back to the dance floor. Reagan made a friend to dance with and Nola found a little boy to chase.
We had a great night - and had to drive quickly so we could get to the Love Boat - the amazing ice cream store - before it closed. Grandpa got us there in time and we all enjoyed amazing ice cream. Off to bed before another fun day in the sun...

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