Friday, May 8, 2009

MOPS Easter Egg Hunt

For the 3rd year our MOPS group has hosted a MOPS Eater Egg Hunt. The first year it was so cold the kids took their eggs and left as soon as possible. Last year we had snow! It was pretty with all of the eggs on the snow, but still there was snow.
This year we had great weather, hence a great showing of families came out this year. We split the group into 4 and under on one side and 5 and up on the other side. To add to the excitement we had Leo and Cassidy with us as well. And when I say 'us' I should really say Pat because I was in charge of the hunt, which made him in charge of 4 children 4 and under.
First I said every child could take 8 eggs but then realized there were a ton left so each child could have 12. I was busy making sure it was running smoothly and didn't get over to the kids until they were done.
I found Cassidy with a basket pretty full of eggs. I explained to her that she had too many eggs so she put some back and gave some to other kids. Pat told me, "You haven't seen anything yet". That is when I found Reagan with a basket almost overflowing of eggs! I quickly took a picture (it was pretty funny) and then took her around to kids who didn't have as many eggs and had her share some of her eggs with them. Watch out for the kids of the mom in charge - they don't follow the rules!

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