Sunday, May 17, 2009

Beaches, Beaches, Beaches

After 2 days at the pool we decided to change things up and head to Ft Myers Beach. After packing up the van (thanks Pat) we headed out for a great day on the beach. Maureen and Roy had recommended an area of the beach to try, so we did. It was a perfect day for the beach - mid 80's and sunny. The water was really warm and the girls loved playing in the sand. The waves were a litter bigger than Reagan would have liked, but she did get in the ocean. Pat took her past where the waves were breaking and she did some swimming.
2 days later we headed to Barefoot Beach in Bonita Springs. First of all, the houses we passed to get to the beach were unbelievable! Reagan thought one was Cinderella's house. The beach was filled with seashells - Reagan loved it! She picked out so many shells we weren't able to bring all fo them back with us. The waves were calmer so she spent a lot of her time swimming in the ocean. The water was a little cooler than Ft Myers Beach, but still comfortable. Nola loved digging in the sand and getting a little wet from the ocean. She was most happy on the blanket, under the umbrella, having a snack!
Right before we left Reagan and I built a sandcastle. It was fun and she was, of course, making up a good story about who lived in the castle. As we were building one of the beach patrol came up and asked me if Reagan had sunscreen on because she was looking very red. I explained that she was wearing 50! (guess he hadn't seen any Irish people lately!!)
It was so fun to watch the girls enjoy the beach and ocean. We had so much fun at the beaches - looking forward to getting to some beaches this summer.

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