Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mother's Day Tea

Reagan's preschool held a great, Mother's Day tea. Nola and I arrived with the other moms to be greeted by our children and brought to tables for a treat. Nola had the brownie bite finished before the prayer - but that was ok. We also had apples and grapes and could choose from apple juice and iced tea to drink. It was fun to be in the classroom and enjoy watching Reagan interact with her friends and teachers and enjoy being a mom.
After the treat, the kids lined up and sang several songs for us. Reagan was so excited to be performing (imagine that). She might not have been singing too loud, but she was doing the actions in her very dramatic way. So fun to see!
They gave us cute gifts Reagan had made and sunflower seeds (which are now part or our garden). It was a great morning - so thankful for her preschool experience!

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