Saturday, September 13, 2008

First Day of Preschool

We now officially have a preschooler in our house! Reagan started preschool this week. Tuesday her and I went for a 1 hour orientation session. The kids were able to play while the teachers talked to the parents about parties, field trips, crafts, etc. When it was time to clean up I was helping Reagan and she asked me if it was now time for a snack. I explained that she was only there for an hour, so there would not be a snack. She was already disappointed when she realized that she hadn't done a craft either - an hour obviously wasn't enough time for her.
On Thursday she had her first 'full day' (2 1/4 hours) of preschool. She woke up before 8 - so that made our first day of getting ready easier. She was very excited and couldn't wait to put her princess backpack on. (This was the 2nd backpack - the first one I bought was cute and small, but after orientation I had to return it because it didn't fit a 8x11 piece of paper)
It was a great trip to school - we prayed for Reagan's day and year of preschool and for her teachers and new friends. It was the perfect way to start her schooling years.
After stopping outside to take her picture we headed in to her school and room. The board outside her room tells what they will do that day - what snack they will have, what they will learn about, if they will play outside, etc. Reagan found her cubbie and put her bag away. I told her that I would show her the bathroom so in case she needed to use it, she would know where it was. She said 'mom, I saw it when we came in.' (obviously ready for preschool)
She washed her hands (as they must do everyday) and then sat down at the table to color with markers. I kissed her and Nola and I headed out to the van.
I do have to say it was a weird feeling to leave her at school. I knew she was fine and would love it, but it was a milestone day - her first day of school. Nola and I hung out at home and then went down the block to see Michelle and Nate.
When we got back to pick her up they were just coming in from the playground. After they were settled in the room we were able to go in and get them. They were all sitting at tables waiting with their backpacks on. We had to stop and get her first craft - her handprints. There was a small hole in the paint in the print on her left hand, she explained to me that that is where her ouchie is so she didn't put paint on it. Her teacher overheard and nodded in agreement. (This was from when she fell on her way into dance class last week - over a week ago - but somethings last a long time)
She told me she had a good time and they played on the playground. She also told me the teachers told them they wouldn't see them for 4 days - we have heard that many times since Thursday. She asked me to pray again on the way home, and we did.
We are looking forward to a great year of preschoo. I think we will have a lot of funny stories to tell.

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