Thursday, September 11, 2008

Maureen & Roy's Wedding Day

What a gorgeous day it was on Saturday - a perfect day for Maureen & Roy's wedding. We had a quiet morning of baths and TV time and getting ready. I took Reagan to get her hair done at Symmetry - and it turned out great! I thought it would look good, but it surpassed my expectations.
We stopped for Mc Donald's for Reagan on the way to the church. We had to wake Nola up from her nap, so she hadn't eaten either. When we got to St Paul we took the girls downstairs and got them dressed.
Then Nola had her first tailgate - we put Reagan's Conlonfest tshirt over Nola's dress and set her up in the back of the van for lunch. It worked out just fine and makes for a good story.
Maureen looked fabulous! From her dress, to her hair, to her makeup - she looked perfect and definitely had the bride glow!
We took pictures outside St Paul before the wedding and then headed inside to wait for the wedding to begin.
By about 2:00 Reagan was asking when it would be her turn - obviously not afraid of walking down the aisle. At 2:30 we were able to tell her it was about time.
She did a great job as the flower girl. Before she walked down the aisle Pat told her to smile the whole time - and she did!
Maureen walked up the aisle with Pat & Loretta - not an easy feat with the length of St Paul's aisle - but it was a great moment.
As soon as the music started during the ceremony Reagan started doing her ballet moves. I tried not to laugh and told her she couldn't do that in church. She tried to contain herself, but every once in a while I would see her toe being pointed and tapping and her arms lifting up. Nola, on the other hand, didn't make it through much of the ceremony. She decided she would talk loudly once the priest started talking and then she started waving at Pat up on the alter. Luckily my dad was sitting close by and took her out of the church.
The rest of the ceremony went very well. Oh, except for when Reagan had to go to the bathroom 'bad' while we were kneeling in the front of the church.
We had some down time in between the church and reception so we were able to hang out at the Mulcrone's. It was good to be able to see family and friends and just relax.
My parents then took both of the girls to drop Nola off with Michelle. I thought Reagan would fall asleep in the car, but I was wrong.
The reception was so much fun! Pat was seated at the head table and I sat with John & Connie, Micky & Bunny, Father Joe and another couple. We had a great time - and the highlight was watching Danny take the trays the servers used to put the serving trays on and hiding them under his table. It was so funny to watch the servers come out and look so confused because they couldn't put their trays down.
Reagan sat with my parents through dinner. When dinner was done she was one of the first people on the dance floor. She was so excited to have so much room to show off her moves. At one point she was the only one on the dance floor - yes, she is so shy!
When 9:30 rolled around it was time for Reagan to get her pajamas on and go to Cassidy's for a sleep over. She was tired by then, and actually ready to go. Cori, Aly and Cassidy all came to pick her up. As she got in the car, Reagan said that she would be staying there for 3 days.
So, being kid-free, we were able to fully enjoy the rest of the reception. We caught up with friends and family and had time to dance. Not too much dancing for Pat, but that's ok.
The reception ended at midnight and there were still plenty of people hanging out. We got the presents loaded up and took Pat, Loretta and Roy home. Yes, Roy. He and Maureen needed a ride home, so the Funks took Maureen and we took Roy since neither car could fit both of them.
Pat and I got home close to 2. We thought about eating some of the wedding cake then, but decided we were too tired. We also knew we would be getting Nola back by 8am so needed to sleep.
It was a wonderful day and such a great time. We are thrilled to have Roy join our family - and so happy for him and Maureen.

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