Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grandma

This past Tuesday Grandma Jane celebrated her birthday! We were able to celebrate with her on Monday afternoon. It was a great party with Arnello's pizza and lots of great desserts.
Before the big day I asked Reagan what she thought we should buy Grandma for her birthday. I was expecting her to say 'a bike', as that has been her suggestion for everyone else's birthday - including Grandpa John and Grandma Loretta. But she thought about it a while and then said 'a scooter'. Too bad that wasn't on Grandma's list!!
When Grandma was about to open her presents, Reagan told her, 'that's just clothes' - nothing like ruining the surprise and making it sound not so exciting. But Grandma was really excited with her clothes - even though her grandchildren didn't think they were so great.

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