Monday, September 8, 2008

Practice Makes Perfect

Both of the girls are sleeping right now - a beautiful thing - both are recovering from a big weekend - Maureen & Roy's wedding!!!
Friday evening we ventured to St Paul of the Cross for the wedding rehearsal. It was an extremely well-run rehearsal and everyone was well behaved. Reagan was so excited to be practicing to be the flower girl and couldn't wait to get started. When the priest was telling Trish & Grace just to speak in their normal voice because the sound system was really good, Grace rose her hand and told him that 'we go to school here' - interpreted, don't bother with the details, I know what I am doing.
It was then time to practice leaving the church. Reagan was busy doing her Color Wonders, and had to get up fast to take her turn but was carrying the markers and book. When she got to the aisle, before walking down, she simply handed the markers and book to the priest and walked down the aisle. It was quite funny.
The rehearsal dinner was at EPI (Edison Park Inn). It was great because we had a side party room and were by ourselves. Reagan & Nola really enjoyed playing with Trish, Grace, Kate & Maive. Reagan was excited that Kate's shoes fit her and Nola was excited to hug Maive and then hold on to her back as she walked away - wish I could have gotten that on video.
It was fun to meet all of Roy's family and to visit with our family that was in from out of town. We all (including Nola) enjoyed the pizza and the company. We headed home to rest up for the big day...

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