Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day

We love long weekends! So this past Labor Day weekend was just what we needed. After the bachelor and bachelorette parties, we were ready for a restful Monday.
We headed over to Maloney's for their pool party. Reagan had fallen asleep in the car and slept for almost an hour while we enjoyed the party. After she woke up she was ready to get in the pool with Roisin and have fun! Pat was ready to cool off so he swam with her. She did a great job with her floats and noodle - she told us she was practicing to swim on her back so she wouldn't cry. I got Nola ready and handed her off to Pat in the pool. She was happy to be hanging out with her dad and sister. We got her a float and she was having a great time playing with that and the water. (I guess the Y swim classes are paying off!)
After a couple hours we had to get out of the pool and head to South Holland for Grandma Jane's birthday party. Reagan obviously wasn't ready to leave, but she knew Leo was waiting for her so that made is a little easier. Thanks to the Maloney's for a great party!

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