Thursday, January 22, 2009

Visit to Peoria

Last weekend we headed south to get out of the cold - well, we really just went to Peoria to visit Shadia and Ray. Although the girls did not nap in the van on the ride down there we had a good ride. When we got to their house Shadia started warming up dinner and we were quickly treated to quite a spread of food - some Arabic, some Lebanese, some American (mac & cheese). It was just so good to be able to talk and catch up on life and to get to know Ray. For a moment I felt like I was back in Mrs Haddad's kitchen - so much food and so much encouragement to keep eating! All of the food was delicious and nice change to our menu.
After dinner Reagan wanted all of us to weigh ourselves on the scale - who knew a scale would bring so much fun! When we finished weighing in we had dessert. Reagan and Nola were both happy with dessert and then running around. Ray got the air mattress filled for Reagan and the girls had fun jumping on it. We got the girls to bed and then had time to sit around and talk. It was such a great evening.
Luckily we all were able to sleep in - nice treat. Shadia and Ray prepared a great breakfast - eggs, cinammon rolls, pita bread, lebana (sp?) and coffee. Once again visions of Mrs Haddad were floating in my head. (you'll note that most of the pictures are of eating) We walked away (or waddled) very full and happy. Ray had to go do some work on one of his rental houses so Pat went with him and the girls watched Happy Feet. We were not ready for lunch, but the girls were so we got them fed and I had a chance to take a long run on their treadmill. It was then naptime for anyone who needed it.
Shadia and I spent time on-line working on her registry. It was exciting to think that very soon there will be a baby girl in their house. We had fun - even when she didn't like my opinion.
After everyone woke up we headed to Avanti's for dinner. I was a bit skeptical to go out for pizza in Peoria but I was pleasantly surprised.
It was then time for us to head back to Brookfield. We got the girls in their pajamas and said our good-byes. Next time we'll have to stay longer. Our trip home was good - but we did have some rough weather and visibility issues around Joliet. We were thankful to make it home safely and can't wait to go back soon!

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