Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dinner at the Walnut Room

In keeping with the Scanlon tradition, we headed into the city to have dinner at the Walnut Room at Macy's. We usually go on the weekends, but due to busy schedules we chose a weeknight. To make things easier (and cheaper) I took the girls on the train and then Pat drove right there from work. Michelle (aka Mrs. Goy) took us to the La Grange train station for a 4:45 express train to Chicago. A nice man helped carry our stroller on to the train. A nice lady changed seats so the girls and I could face each other. They were both so excited to be on the train. Reagan had been on the train when she was about Nola's age and this was Nola's first train ride. It was a quick ride - only 20 minutes - but they enjoyed it. Reagan was watching out the window while Nola was waving at the people around us.
We made it to Union Station and another nice woman carried our stroller off the train. We made a quick bathroom stop (washrooms in Union Station are not built for double strollers) and then started our walk to Macy's. We walked along the river and found out that it is all stairs at Monroe. So I turned the stroller backwards and took them down the stairs. I think 3 different people quickly came to my rescue and helped me. It was a beautiful night - close to 40 - and the girls loved the walk.
When we got to Macy's we were ready to be seated. They sat us very far from the tree, but the kids didn't seem to notice. The kids surrounded grandma and grandpa and the rest of the adults enjoyed their own end of the table.
The food was good - some of the kids actually ate well - others were too busy to eat. The adults all enjoyed their dinners and desserts. We tried to take some pictures but only some were successful.
We got our coats on and headed outside to see the windows. I was happy to see how excited Reagan was to see the windows. Her and Leo would ride in the stroller in between windows and then jump out to see each window closely. Nola thought the street musicians were great. She was turning around and around - I thought she was going to fall into the wall of the store. When the windows were done we said our good-byes and headed to the car.
The snow was starting to fall and it was a cool night in the city. Unfortunately there was not an elevator to get to Pat's car so I carried Nola, Pat carried the stroller and Reagan walked. But hey, we saved $10!!

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