Thursday, January 22, 2009

Christmas Night

On the way to Park Ridge Reagan had a good nap - so she was ready for another party. We got there just in time for dinner - Pat was glad to eat again. Reagan was excited that her cousin Samantha was there - nice to have a friend her age to play with. Nola was busy stealing Reagan's bye bye baby and her Leapster.
We had such a good time catching up with family we haven't seen in a while and just enjoying all being together. There was plenty of great food and drinks - and lots of laughter.
Before the night got too late it was time for more presents. Our girls were very happy with their new books from Aunt Mary Catherine - Reagan couldn't wait to start reading them.
The big hit of the night came when Pat & Loretta opened their new karaoke machine from Mike & Tom - what a great gift! Danny and others got it put together very quickly and then the show began.
We started with Christmas carols - Bridget, Shannon & Dan leading the way - with some backup from Mary Catherine. But very soon we were on to some more recent songs. But soon after Mary Catherine was back for quite a rendition of Love Shack! Now that it was after 10:00 Nola was beginning to fade. So we took her dress off and she got her second wind. She thought she should definitely be part of the fun - by next year I think she will be singing along. Before the clock struck 11 we thought we should head home. The Funks were still singing strong, but we had to call it a night. It was a great Christmas and we are so blessed. We spent the 26th in our pajamas playing with new toys and not leaving the house - what a great day!

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