Friday, January 16, 2009

Christmas Eve

We enjoyed a great brunch with the Mulcrone's on Christmas Eve morning. Unfortunately Roy and Mike had to work, but we were able to enjoy ourselves. We enjoyed breakfast and french toast casseroles along with breads and fruit - it was nice to have time to sit and converse.
After we finished it was time for opening presents. Reagan was so excited! And her excitement only increased as she opened her gifts. She was excited by the stickers of Reagan from Aunt Maureen and Uncle Roy and she was thrilled with the Princess set from Aunt Nancy and Uncle Mike. The definite hit was her new Leapster! She stopped opening presents and started playing with it right away. Grandma and Papa knew just what she wanted!!
Nola was happy to be a part of the fun too! She walked around with her black sheep in the Victoria's Secret bag from Aunt Maureen and Uncle Roy and was very happy to have a new baby from Grandma and Papa. She also got a very cool book from Aunt Nancy and Uncle Mike that has the pictures move - one of her favorites.
Later that afternoon we went to the family service at church. No nursery - so the girls were with us in the second row. Reagan loved it because the children's choirs sang and kids read from the Bible. Nola was busy trying to get Cheerios from Juliana in the pew behind us.
We then headed to South Holland for dinner with Grandma Jane, Grandpa John, Aunt Karen, Uncle Nick, Nikki, Linda and Brent. We had a great time - and good food. Before it got too late we changed the girls into their pajamas and headed home before Santa arrived!

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