Friday, January 16, 2009

Christmas Morning

I love that my kids love to sleep - especially on Christmas. Reagan didn't get up until 8:30 so we were able to get up, shower, make coffee and still have a moment of quiet before she joined us. She was still half asleep but excited that Santa had been to our house. Since Nola was still sleeping we had a chance to have Reagan open her stocking and actually enjoy what was in it. We read the books Santa gave her and got her new toothbrush out of the package. She was so excited with her stocking we could have just stopped there (but not really).
Nola joined us around 9. She also received a new toothbrush in her stocking so we went into the bathroom so they could brush their teeth before we opened presents.
Then it was time for presents!! We started a new tradition of each girl getting 3 presents - in remembrance of the 3 gifts given to baby Jesus. Reagan was very excited when she opened Bye Bye Baby that Santa had brought to her. Nola was just busy playing with paper and running around. She was happy once we got her new MP3 player working. The girls had fun playing with the new toys and enjoying being home.
Pat and I give each other gifts from the girls - which is fun. Reagan was very excited to give him the new screwdriver she had picked out (not that he needed another screwdriver). He was happy to get his shake of the month club card from Oberweis and a matching cone of the month card for the kids. I was thrilled with my new pajamas (wearing them now), hat and earrings.
In keeping with our family tradition, we had ice cream for breakfast! Reagan and Nola had peppermint, I had peanut butter cup and Pat had chocolate peanut butter - it was great!
Then we got dressed and packed up all the toys and babies that were going with us and headed to South Holland for more Christmas fun!!!

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