Thursday, January 22, 2009

Christmas Afternoon

After getting all packed up we headed to South Holland. Soon after we arrived it was time for the kids to open their presents. At first it was slow enough to see what everyone was opening, but then it just turned to good ol' chaos. Nola was more into it than I thought she would be. She was very happy to sit, stand and jump on the box for Reagan's puppet theater. She liked her presents but wanted all of them opened.
Reagan was pretty self-sufficient this year and was enjoying each gift as she opened them. Clothes were not a big hit, but she loved to see her name on those boxes!
All of the other kids were having a great time - Leo opened his presents so fast he was the first one done and looking for more. The girls were excited with new clothes - Taylor and Hannah were quick to change after they finished into some new clothes. (reminded me of myself when I was younger).
When the kids finished we cleaned up and let them play while dinner was put on the table. Hannah and Anthony were having a great time playing bowling with Nola's new bowling set - obviously didn't bother them to play with a 'baby' toy. There were no carrots served so Reagan didn't have to eat vegetables on Christmas - her grandma was looking out for her. Nola ate well - unfortunately for the rest of us she really like the baked apples and she had a few helpings. Next year we will need a double batch.
Nola went down for her nap and we cleaned up from lunch. Then it was time for the adults to open their presents. Needless to say it was much more subdued but not without some fun - Michael stayed true to his ways and brought a package wrapped up with his name on it - he bought himself remote-controlled helicopters. I was just thrilled to open my box and find a pair of Uggs - best boots ever!
We had time just to hang out for the rest of the afternoon. The kids played with their toys and watched some TV. When Nola woke up from her nap it was time for us to pack up again and head north to Park Ridge to let the fun continue...

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