Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pushing Mannequins

For some crazy reason I thought it was a good idea to take the girls to the mall with me. We were doing well in the first 2 stores and then went into Gap Kids. I was pretty quick about picking out the gift we needed and skirt for Reagan and hurried to the register.
While I was paying I saw that my girls were in the front window - not a big deal. Until...I looked over and saw Nola take both hands out in front of her and push the mannequin over. Before I could get over there Reagan thought her sister had a great idea and proceeded to push the other mannequin over as well.
I ran over and started yelling (in a quiet, store voice) and told them to get by the stroller. (why I didn't have Nola buckled in I will never know). I got the mannequins back up and then told the girls they had to apologize to the lady at the store.
They both said they were sorry and she said it was ok (with a half smile). I told her they were standing up and she said, 'really, do you want a job'. I declined since all I wanted to do was get my kids out of the store before they broke something I had to pay for.
So I have learned my lesson, as have they. When I was at the mall over the weekend I noticed they had taken the mannequins down and put up a tree, coincidence?!?

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