Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Last year we never made it to the pumpkin patch but this year Reagan kept asking and I was excited to take them so we headed to Bengston's Pumpkin Farm on what turned out to be a beautiful fall day. We picked up Melissa, Landon and Anna Grace on our way and the kids couldn't wait.
The kids ran around and loved seeing the pumpkins, the dancing skeleton band (a big favorite of Reagan's) and the dancing chickens (Nola's top choice). They pumped water and got measured before watching the bunnies for quite a while.
We stopped to eat our picnic lunch while we watched the pig races - fun for the kids and adults.
Then it was time for the hay ride - minus the hay! It was fun to see the kids excitement of riding on the back of a tractor - oh the little things in life.
Before we could leave we had to explore the pumpkin patch for our pumpkins. For reference, the pumpkin patch is nowhere near the exit, so whichever pumpkins we picked would have to be carried quite a distance. I tried to convince Reagan that we could get one closer to the exit, but she wasn't giving in. So we picked a pumpkin and put it in the stroller - good thing Nola likes to walk!
We picked up smaller pumpkins for Reagan and Nola, along with some small pumpkins and gourds and then checked out.
What a great day we had - looking forward to it again next year!

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