Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

Even though we bought our pumpkins at the pumpkin patch a couple weeks before Halloween we waited until the night before to carve them. Pat's dad had surgery that day and we wanted to go visit him at home, so we had to take our pumpkins with us and carve them there.
It turned out to be a pumpkin carving party! We carved our 3 and Grandma Loretta's pumpkin as well. I carved mine and the kids pretty quickly, but Pat, being the engineer that he is, took time and precision to carve his.
Loretta toasted the pumpkin seeds, but they weren't done before we had to leave.
The girls, especially Reagan, loved carving and was excited to see the finished product. After we got them home we found candles and lit them - very cool!
I don't remember ever being able to put a candle in a pumpkin when I was younger - oh that's right, my dad was a fireman!

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