Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dino Nites!

For the past few years my whole family has come up for Boo at the Zoo. Due to busy schedules we couldn't find a day to make that work so we decided to try out Dino Nites. And we were lucky enough to have Aly and Cassidy join us.
It turned out to be a great decision - the older kids really enjoyed it and the little kids were still able to do what they wanted - play at the Hammill Play Zoo.
I didn't go on the Tram of Terror but all of the kids did - except for Nola. I heard that Uncle Mike & Uncle Sean were silly and helped with the scariness factor.
The corn maze was fun - and actually really hard. Good thing I had Nola with me, she was able to figure it out.
We ended the night dancing to the dj and warming up in the pavilions. The girls loved the music and Cassidy & Reagan were really trying to learn the Macarena but I think they need to attend a few weddings to get the hang of it.
The kids were exhausted by the time we left but it was a fun night.

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