Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nola turns 2!!

So hard to believe that Nola turned 2 in September - where did the year go?? It was a busy year for her - she had ear tubes put in in November, broke her leg (really I broke her leg) in March, first airplane ride in April to Florida, loves her music class, and brings us so much joy!
Nola talks non-stop - from the time she wakes up until she talks herself to sleep. She is a smart little girl - and has everyone figured out. She has become an expert at pushing her sister's buttons. She loves to imitate everything that Reagan does and believes she can do it all.
She loves dolls - carries one with her all the time. Right now her favorite is Reagan's bye bye baby. She is asking Santa to bring her one of her own - that will make them both much happier since they won't have to share!
She had a great birthday - we met Sally & Ben at the park and they brought her a donut (chocolate with sprinkles of course). Then we picked Reagan up from school and had a girls day. We had dinner with Grandma Jane, Grandpa John and Papa - Nola loved the ham I made.
And then she opened presents - a new jumper!!! She couldn't get enough of it and still plays with it almost everyday.
We are looking forward to another fun year with Nola - more music, more dolls and more fun! We love you, Nola!!!

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