Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

So most people know that I really enjoy sleep. I used to be able to sleep until noon without a problem. So, it may be surprising that I was up at 4:40 am today to go shopping. 3 years ago was the first year I joined my brother, Sean, in his annual outing on Black Friday. That year I think we were at 7 stores before 7:30 am. There wasn't that many things I was looking for this year and I actually called him to say I was going back to bed - but then he told me that Reilly was with him - and I didn't want to miss her first year - so I got ready in less than 10 minutes and headed to Orland. (I tried to stop at Circuit City in Hodgkins but it is closing so they were not opening at 5 - too bad) I met up with Sean & Reilly at Macy's by about 5:20. They had already been to Kohl's and Carson's. I quickly made my purchases at Macy's and we headed back to Carson's because we had $10 coupons. Unfortunately we didn't find anything to use them on so we were off to Old Navy. They had long lines, but they moved fast. While we were there Sean went to Sports Authority and reported there were no lines - nice. Next stop was Target. We parked in Harrison's parking lot - good decision not to fight the poor drivers out this morning. Target was a success - and we could have bought the $299 26" flat panel TV - because the lady in the line next to us was only going to buy one of the two she had. The guy behind us took it - there was some good Christmas spririt there.
By this time Reilly was ready for Breakfast - it was after 7 and she had been up before 4. They dropped me off in the street (no way we were taking the van into the Circuit City/Wal-Mart parking lot - I went to Circuit City and they headed to Dunkin' Donuts. Unfortunately my trip was not successful but that is ok - still plenty of time.
Sean & Reilly then took me back to my car and I went to a few stores on my own before getting to the gym around 10. Not the best workout this morning - but at least I got there.
When I got home I was so excited to see that Pat, Reagan & Nola had gotten our Christmas tree up and was ready for ornaments. We had a great time putting them on and telling them about where we got each one and showing them pictures of both them and us. Nola was having more fun taking the ornaments off of the tree - and she really liked throwing all of the ball-shaped ornaments. WARNING - if we are coming to your house - you might want to take all ball-shaped ornaments off the tree!
While Nola napped Reagan helped me do the rest of the decorating. It was so fun to see the excitement in her eyes as we pulled out the stockings and the nativity sets. She was especially excited to see The Advent Book. We are looking forward to starting that on Sunday.
So we are now in the Christmas mood. We are listening to Christmas music and enjoying our decorations. I really love seeing all of our ornaments each year - even my angel bell that was given to me on my first Christmas. It has survived 32 Christmas seasons and I am hoping it is high enough and secure enough to survive this year with our very busy Nola!
We are off for a family night - most likely that will include Pompei - Reagan has already put in her request.
We are praying for a safe, healthy and happy Christmas season for everyone!

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