Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Yesterday we celebrated a very Happy Thanksgiving. I started the day with day 18 of my Jillian Michael's Making the Cut workout and a 5K run. I was happy to have a great husband you got the girls up and fed and ready to be dressed when I got back. We headed to South Holland for Nola's nap and lunch with the Scanlon family. Reagan has not been taking enough naps so the ride down was a little rough, but amazingly, her attitude did a 180 when we arrived at grandma and grandpa's house. Nola did take a nap and we helped to get dinner on the table. It was an extra special day because it was also Leo's 4th Birthday! He was so excited to show us his 2 stuffed Tom's (from Tom & Jerry) and his new movies.
We had a delicious lunch - especially the sweet potatoes, vegetable casserole and baked apples. Nola enjoyed eating the butter off of the rolls and then trying to get grandpa's rolls. We had time to hang out after lunch and then back to the table for dessert. (Did I mention that Thanksgiving is Pat's favorite holiday because we get to eat so much?!) We sang Happy Birthday to Leo then Reagan enjoyed 2 or 3 (or 4) chocolate chip cookies while Nola enjoyed her bowl of Cool Whip.
It was then time to pack up the van and head to Elmhurst for our second stop of the day. Lucky for us, both Reagan and Nola took naps on the way (oh, and so did Pat) so it was a peaceful trip. We arrived just in time for dinner. Reagan ate some jello footballs and maybe a bite of a roll. Nola ate some turkey, her roll, and whatever else she could find.
We had a great time visiting with everyone and catching up on what is going on. Reagan and Nola were both very busy chasing Chester, the dog, around the house. Chester was quite tired after a little time with our girls.
Much to Reagan's excitement it was then time for dessert. She was thrilled with Aunt Maureen's brownies made with Oreos and a side of chocolate mousse. Funny how there doesn't seem to be many complaints when chocolate is being eaten.
We had a great time - and even got to pick our names for the Christmas grab bag. We got the girls in their pajamas and headed home.
They were both sound asleep by the time we got home and then it was time for me to review the sale papers.
We are so blessed and thankful to God for all He has provided for us. Who would have thought that Pat losing his job in October would turn out to be such a blessing - God's plan is obviously so much greater than ours!

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