Monday, December 1, 2008

Family Fun Night

Since we had a long weekend we wanted to do something fun as a family - just the 4 of us. We contemplated going to the circus but thought it would be more fun next year when Nola will be 2. So instead we let Reagan pick where she wanted to go eat and we headed to Pompei. No complaints from Pat or I because we both really like it as well. And Nola loves to eat - so she was happy.
When dinner was done we headed over to Yorktown to ride on the train. Our first stop ended up being a sleigh set up next to Von Maur's tree. If I had known I would have put the girls in dresses and gotten our Christmas card picture ready, but instead we just got a cute picture for the blog and our scrapbook. On the way to the train we saw Santa taking a break and took some pictures by a very large teddy bear. Reagan was not interested in sitting on Santa's lap, so we didn't push it.
When we got to the train the worker was just leaving to take a 30 minute break. So we went over to the climbing area and slide and let the girls play there while we waited. The first few times up I followed Nola closely and helped her on the slide. But then she figured it out for herself and was on the go. She climbed up the stairs and then would go right down the slide - even if there was a line - she wasn't waiting! She loved it and so did Reagan. The 30 minute wait for the train flew by and before we knew it we were ready to go back to the train.
This was Nola's first time on the train. She and Reagan handed the worker their tickets and climbed in the caboose. As soon as it started moving Nola climbed up on her seat and looked out the back 'window'. Reagan was all smiles as they went around. Nola was happy to wave at us when they would pass us. When the train came to a stop all of the other kids (including Reagan) got out of the train and ran to see their parents. Nola thought she should stay for another ride. The worker was even trying to convince her that she needed to get out. So we had to go in and take her out - screaming the whole time.
Next we headed upstairs for Dairy Queen - only to discover that Dairy Queen was no longer in the mall. We quickly changed plans and headed back downstairs to Ed Debevic's for ice cream. Reagan and Nola colored their hats as we waited for the ice cream to arrive. Reagan's 'scoop' of chocolate ice cream ended up being a large bowl - so we had one happy girl. Nola got the world's smallest sundae and was thrilled. She used the small spoon as much as possible, but at the end when she couldn't get all of the fudge out she went in with her fingers. Pat was very happy with his double chocolate malt indeed. Our waitress even took a family photo for us - not many people probably take their camera to Lombard, IL but we sure did! It really was a great night - the girls were exhausted on the way home and Pat & I were happy to have shared such a fun night together as a family. I am sure the circus will be fun next year - but Yorktown was a great time this year!

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